The Metamorphossis Interchange Bridges In Attiki Odos

Bridges and Tunnels/Roadbridges
Photo Gallery

The Metamorphosis Interchange comprises structures deployed in 4 levels serving the following: Level 4: Ramp 5 and Ramp 8 bridges. These bridges were constructed over the facilities of the other levers which were constructed at an earlier stage. Level 3: Ramp 3 and Ramp 4 bridges. Level 2: Bridge carrying the Athens-Lamia National Road. Level 1: Underground passage of E-S-S- freeway and the Suburban R/R Line. The bridge of ramp 5 has a total length of 456m (central spans 47,5m) whereas ramp 8 bridge has a total length of 470,0m (central spans 61,40m). Both bridges feature prestressed concrete continuous deck supported by single column piers via elastomeric bearing. All piers are on bored piles foundations.

CLIENTMinistry for Environment Dir. of Road Constructions of Attiki
PERIOD1997 to 1998
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